Arun Joshi and Chetan Bhagat: Moral Version of Their Art

Volume 2 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2022



Mis-appropriation, Marxist, Extinction, federalism, vindictiveness, self-illumination, temperance and persistence.


Aim: The paper analyzes that Arun Joshi and Chetan Bhagat wrote novels with the mission to change the contemporary socio-political and economic scenario as they fail to compromise with the contemporary corrupt situations. As artists, they take risks in their careers and call a spade a spade. Methodology and Approach: The study is based on the novels of Arun Joshi and Chetan Bhagat. The post-colonial approach is used here to analyze texts. Outcome: The major tools of the novelists are irony and satire. Like Addison and Steele, they taught moral lessons with practical examples. Due to their positive approach to life, they attach importance to virtue, truthfulness, humility, creativity, righteousness, gratitude, leadership, bravery, mental courage, etc., and condemn lechery, sensuality, greed, violence, ego, excessive obsession, lust for power, lust for beauty, anger, gluttony, dishonesty, dishonest means, corrupt ways, etc. Nobody can doubt their zeal for social reform. Conclusion and Suggestion: The research paper concludes with the quotes and the principles of The Bhagwadgita as liberation, detachment, regular work, renunciation, etc. are important for us too.


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How to Cite

Nitish Kumar. Arun Joshi and Chetan Bhagat: Moral Version of Their Art: Volume 2 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2022. SPL J. Literary Hermeneutics: Biannu. Int. J. Indep. Crit. Think [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(1):44-59. Available from: