• How can I join the membership of the SPL?
  • Answer: Please fill the form: Registration link for Membership
  • What is the main focus of this literary journal?
  • Answer: The journal aims at providing a better understanding of the polyphonic literary narratives. It aims to envisage the literary narratives not as an autonomous entity but as convergence where literary and extra literary concerns interact and influence in subtle ways. The journal is, therefore, committed to register the responses of readers, scholars and academicians who approach a literary text as an interpretive dialogue across cultures, literatures, themes, concepts and genres. The overall focus of the journal is on literary hermeneutics and independent critical thinking. The Journal aims to provide a forum of all like-minded scholars, researchers, academicians, independent critical thinkers and creative writers globally. Journal accepts unpublished works but not limited to the following: Indian Literature in English, Pakistani English Literature, SAARC Literature, African American Literature, British Literature, American Literature, Art, Aesthetics, Myth, Culture, Folklore, Canadian Literature, Children’s Literature, Dalit Literature, Diaspora Studies, Disability Studies, Disaster Literature, English Language Teaching, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Literature, Tribal Literature, Commonwealth Literature, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, Cyber Literature, Linguistics, Science Fiction and Cultural Analysis and Translation Studies and Literature and theory of literature, women’s studies, world literature, etc.
  • Is the journal peer reviewed?
  • Answer: The SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics: A Biannual International Journal of Independent Critical Thinking is an Open Access, Double-blind Peer-reviewed / Refereed Journal. It is published in the month of January and July as Winter and Monsoon Editions.
  •  How can I submit my work to be considered for publication in this journal?
  • Answer:  There are two ways of paper submission: You simply mail us the word file requesting for publication. The email for paper submission is: literaryherm@gmail.com
  • You register as an author and make submission online, the link of the same is: https://literaryherm.org/index.php/literaryherm/about/submissions
  • Video: How to submit online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7ArSDI9j-M&t=1s 
  • What types of literary works does the journal accept (e.g., poetry, short stories, essays)?
  • Answer:  All literary works.
  • Is there a specific theme or genre that the journal tends to favor?
  • Answer: No.
  • What is the submission process like, and are there any specific guidelines to follow?
  • Answer: The editors of Literary Hermeneutics: An International Journal of Independent Critical Thinking cordially invite authors from the country and abroad alike to submit their original work for possible publication in the journal. The journal aims at providing a congenial and healthy forum for academic, scholarly and authoritative perspectives on multiple genres of literature–prose, poetry, drama, fictional and non-fictional literature, electronic and print media, Literary Criticism, Contemporary Critical Theory, New Literatures in the forms of translations and creative visions underlying socio-politico-economic and cultural issues and challenges of wide human import. Authors’ research articles should strictly conform to the MLA Style Handbook latest edition and would have a word length in between 3000 to 4000 inclusive of Abstract and Works Cited and Consulted. Please follow the instruction for abstract: Restructure your abstract (maximum 200-300 words) with the following heading:
  • Aims:
  • Methodology and approaches:
  • Outcome:
  • Conclusion and suggestions:
  • Keywords:
  • Please provide your ORCID ID. THE ORCID ID can be generated from the following link: https://orcid.org/register.
  • Mention the same as in the sample paper. At the end of your paper, please add your short bio.
  • How long does it typically take for a submitted piece to undergo the review process?
  • Answer: 4-6 Weeks
  • Are there any restrictions on the length of submitted pieces?
  • Answer: the paper should be in 3000-5000 words.
  • What criteria does the editorial team use to evaluate and select submissions?
  • Answer: The SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics: A Biannual International Journal of Independent Critical Thinking is an Open Access, Double-blind Peer-reviewed / Refereed Journal. It is published in the month of January and July as Winter and Monsoon Editions.
  • Do you accept simultaneous submissions, and how should I notify you if my work is accepted elsewhere?
  • Answer: Email on literaryherm@gmail.com
  • Is there a fee associated with submitting work to the journal?
  • Answer: No if the paper is submitter for 3 months. That way we manage peer review process for free.
  • What is the frequency of publication for this literary journal?
  • Answer: Semiannual
  • Can I submit previously published work or work that has been posted on personal blogs or social media?
  • Answer: No
  • How can I stay updated on calls for submissions, themes, and other relevant information?
  • Answer: By registering yourself as reader of the journal from the following link: https://literaryherm.org/index.php/literaryherm/about/submissions 
  • Do you accept submissions from international authors, and are there any language preferences?
  • Answer: Yes. We publish only in English.
  • Is there a preferred formatting style for submitted manuscripts?
  • Answer: Yes: https://literaryherm.org/index.php/literaryherm/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/3
  • How can I inquire about the status of my submitted work?
  • Answer: If there is any problems, please email us at: literaryherm@gmail.com or call us for any technical help on +91-7007267681.
  • Does the journal offer any writing contests or awards?
  • Answer: The SPL Literary Award The SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics, a Biannual International Journal of Independent Critical Thinking, periodically presents the Literary Award to recognize and commendable contributions from academicians in the field of literature. This award is designed to celebrate those who have showcased exemplary critical thinking and innovative approaches to literary hermeneutics. We believe in fostering independent thought and intellectual exploration within the academic community. If you or someone you know has made noteworthy strides in the realm of literature, we warmly invite you to consider submitting your work for consideration. The Literary Award not only serves as recognition for outstanding accomplishments but also provides a platform to share valuable insights with the wider academic community. Submission guidelines and deadlines for the Literary Award can be found on our website www.literaryherm.org. We welcome submissions from scholars who have engaged in groundbreaking research, demonstrated a commitment to advancing literary hermeneutics, and significantly contributed to the discourse in the field. We eagerly await your submissions and look forward to celebrating the achievements of exceptional academicians in literature. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at literaryherm@gmail.com.

    The Best Papers Award: We are excited to announce an additional facet of recognition within our esteemed journal, The SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics, a Biannual International Journal of Independent Critical Thinking. In tandem with celebrating the best research papers and writings, we are introducing the "Best Papers" award, a commendation for outstanding contributions that showcases excellence in critical thinking. This award not only acknowledges the exemplary work of authors but also serves as the inaugural step towards nominating these individuals and their writings for a range of external prizes and awards. Our commitment to recognizing scholarly achievement extends beyond our journal, and we aim to propel our authors towards broader acclaim. To determine recipients of the "Best Papers" award, we assess the readership and engagement each work receives. Authors whose contributions resonate most significantly with our audience are identified as the best authors, paving the way for their nomination to various prizes and awards. This initiative is designed to highlight the exceptional talent within our community and further elevate the impact of their research on a global scale. We congratulate all authors whose works have contributed to the success of our journal, and we look forward to continuing this journey of recognition and celebration. Should you have any inquiries or require additional details, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at literaryherm@gmail.com.