Peer Review Process

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Open Access, Double-blind Peer-reviewed / Refereed Journal: Peer-review is defined as “obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field of publication.” The SPL Journal of Literary Hermeneutics is committed to the highest standards of reviewing all publishable materials – articles, review articles, reviews, interviews – which undergo a rigorous peer-reviewing process. Literary Hermeneutics follows a double-blind peer review system after an initial editorial review at the board level. The details of the peer-review process are given below:. Upon receiving a submission, the editorial board will scrutinise the work for its originality and rigour at the board level, and all author-identifying information will be removed for blind peer review.. Experts in the field do all reviews.. A review report is created on the following parameters: originality, coherence, communicability, argumentation, rigour, secondary research and innovation, and factual errors. Reviewers decide whether the work will be rejected, published or needs revision. They write a substantive review report justifying their decision. If the work needs revision or has citation error/s, the Chief Editors will contact the contributors with the report specifying a period for revision. On getting a revised copy, if the reviewers feel that the work needs to be revised again, then they may ask the contributors for another quick revision.. When the work is ready for publication, it will be sent to the publishing team for final editing, proofreading and publication.. Reviewers will have to disclose a conflict of interest, and it will be made sure that all reviewed articles are treated confidentially before their publication.. Decision:. The decisions are notified to the contributors, usually within a month. If a writer intends to withdraw his article within the stipulated time, he must seek permission by sending an email/letter of declaration to the chief editor. For two or more authors, it is necessary to seek permission and approval from the authorial team. The journal follows a double blind peer review system after an initial editorial review at the board level. Below are the details of the peer-review process: