Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Influence of Mahatma Gandhi on Indian English Fiction

Volume 2 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2022



Colonialism, Post Colonialism, Subjugation, Subaltern, Swaraj, Untouchability, Sarvodaya, Independence


Aim: Colonialism is a kind of strategy that belongs to the expansion of European political and cultural domination over most of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America that took place from the seventeenth century to the middle of the twentieth century. Colonial domination tries to establish a relationship with underdeveloped countries by using force, and economic, social or cultural dependence. Methodology: The approach and methodology followed in the paper were Explorative and analytical. Outcome: The rise of Mahatma Gandhi resulted in several changes in the lives of Indians during the freedom movement radicalized Indian politics by using the terms like Swaraj ahimsha and noncooperation. Conclusion and Suggestions: Mahatma Gandhi evolves a program of struggle that greatly mobilized the masses and society such as industrialists, farmers, traders, students, lawyers, women, and the downtrodden. His idea of khadi and satyagraha greatly influenced the people. Many writers took his ideologies in literature Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, K.S. Venkatramani, K.A. Abbas and R.K. Narayan were much influenced by Gandhi. Gandhian ideas of resistance and morality have a worldwide impact which influences various atrocities. Gandhi planned to win the leadership of those parties and groups which fitted his great purpose to achieve Swaraj. His framing of the secular agenda is very valuable for the world.


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How to Cite

Banktesh Bahadur Saroj. Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Influence of Mahatma Gandhi on Indian English Fiction: Volume 2 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2022. SPL J. Literary Hermeneutics: Biannu. Int. J. Indep. Crit. Think [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(1):124-36. Available from: