Decolonizing Nature: Need for Reconsideration of Rural and Natural Values

Volume 3 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2023



Rousseau, decolonizing nature, green perspectives, naturopathyempowerment, green perspectives, pandemics, connecting links, etc


Aim: The present paper aims at surveying and analyzing the absurd mentality andselfishness of human beings to have been deforesting, over-exploiting land andlandscapes and colonizing nature for their selfish motifs and facing resultantconsequences and repercussions in manifold and multifaceted forms of epidemics,pandemics, pestilences and disasters not only in their own lives but also in thoseof others- both humans and non-humans. Decolonizing Nature: Need forReconsideration of Natural and Rural Values metaphorises the process of how to re-construct, re-build and re-create an environmental friendly ecosystem for thecollective good for humans and non-humans alike, promoting ‘GreenPerspectives’ and ecological consciousness so as to have lifeline (Oxygen) for lifewith minimum hurdle and harshness.Approach: The present research paper undergoes the impressionistic writingapproach emphasizing and relying on subjective view-point with general surveydating back to Jean Jacques Rousseau to the modern, critical and catastrophictimes created by Covid-19 pandemic via neoclassical nature with romantic one.Outcome: Through the impressionistic writing approach, keeping in mind theintertextual concept of T. S. Eliot, I have tried my level best to establish acreative-connecting link between the nature ideology of Rousseau to extant globalconditions via neoclassical authors, pre-romantic and romantic poets. Thus, itmay be endorsed that ‘Decolonizing Nature’ is not a new concept. It may be saidto have dated back to ever since of human Genesis. Here we would date back toRousseau to the present environmental surroundings.Conclusion: To sum up, for Jean Jacques Rousseau, Nature meant for freedomleading to social justice which neoclassicists metaphorised nature as the slavishimitation of the rules and legislations of the classical ancients, especially those ofLatin writers.


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How to Cite

Rajan Lal,. Decolonizing Nature: Need for Reconsideration of Rural and Natural Values: Volume 3 Issue 1 Winter Edition 2023. SPL J. Literary Hermeneutics: Biannu. Int. J. Indep. Crit. Think [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3(1):142-56. Available from: